Where oh where could that abaya be?

As salaam alaikum ladies,

Remember a while ago I ordered this abaya from 2hijab? Some of you wanted feedback about the material and how I liked it. I wish I could tell you. It has been over a month and I have yet to receive it. I sent 2hijab’s customer service an email. They apologized profusely and said they would send it express. So, here I am- almost two weeks later- and still no abaya. The shipping service they use has the worst tracking system I’ve ever seen. For the past week it’s been “at a United States facility.” WTH? Maybe I’m spoiled by Shukr and their fast shipping. Maybe it’s just me. Or maybe this is the last time I order something from 2hijab.

I hope summer’s not over before I receive the abaya. *sigh*