About this Blog


Every since I started wearing hijab over 9 years ago, I’ve become very interested in the subject of Islamic fashion. (And by ‘Islamic fashion’ I mean clothing that is specifically designed with the Muslim woman in mind and other clothing that can be ‘Islamicized’). While I am no fashion expert, alhamdulillah, I frequently receive compliments on my clothing style from both Muslims and non-Muslims. (A co-worker told me I make her want to convert based on clothing alone, mashallah)!

Lately, this blog has consisted of me posting sets I’ve designed using Polyvore. (I am not sure what direction I will move toward in the future but I’d really like to do more vlogs- video blogs- for this site. What do you think?)

I am not an Islamic scholar and would never proclaim to be one. I’m not issuing any fatwas about whether a Muslim woman should cover her face or if she is required to wear hijab. I’m also not issuing fatwas about appropriate colors, whether a woman can wear pants or entering into debates about what qualifies as modesty.

Since I’m a very straight-forward person I will tell you where I personally stand so don’t have to wonder. I wear hijab everyday because I believe it is a commandment from Allah. I consider “hijab” to be modest clothing along with the head scarf. (I also think hijab is in behavior too but that’s another subject). While I do wear abayas and jilbabs, I don’t believe they’re the only acceptable form of dress for the Muslim woman. I also wear long skirts with long-sleeved shirts. Sometimes I wear pants with a shirt that hits mid-thigh or comes to my knees. I wear many different colors so won’t see me posting only black or earth-toned clothing. As you can see from the picture posted above, I don’t wear niqab (the veil over the face).

The aforementioned views may change or may stay the same, truly Allah knows best

168 responses to “About this Blog

  1. assalaamu alaikum sis,

    I found your blog when you weren’t posting, so I’m happy to see you’re back at it. I was using the RSS feed for your old blog, but I cannot find one for this blog. Could you add one please?

    • assalamualaikum wr.wb.
      my name is sony, i have garment manufacture specialized in producing swimwear for muslim and muslimah,
      we would like to offer you a business relationship as your supplier
      please inform us if you are interested to our email soim2194@yahoo.co.id , we would be very happy if we could supply our product to you,we also receive a customized order.
      thank you
      wassalamualaikum wr.wb

    • Assalamualaykum sister,

      I enjoy your blog. Would like to feature you in my website. Please let me know how could I be in contact with you? Any email address?

      Looking forward to hear from you 🙂

  2. As-Salaam Alaikum,

    After visiting your blog, I wanted to thank you for providing such a great service to Muslim sisters worldwide. Finding chic Islamic clothes has always been a struggle. For this same reason, I have spent the past 2 years designing a clothing line that is chic, economical, and Islamic. AlhumduAllah, I am launching the ’08 spring/summer line and would love for every fun, active, striving, chic, and believing Muslim sister to know about it. As you are one of the voices of Muslim fashionistas, I invite you to view my website (www.taqwaiman.com) and extend an open invitation to you to use any of the pictures you see on my site in your blog 🙂

    Your Sister In Islam,
    Taqwa Aquil, President
    TaqwaIman, Inc.

  3. As-Salaam Alaikum,

    May Allah reward you for including my site in your blog! It takes Muslims to help Muslim businesses succeed. I sincerely appreciate the mention 🙂

    Ma Salaama,

  4. Al salaamu aleikum,

    I stumbled upon your blog by accident, but boy, am I happy I did! I have decided to start wearing the hijab in couple of months insha Allah, but thought about researching beforehand a little for nice tips and style advices (and I’ve come to see that there is no better place to study these things than the blogosphere :D). Also, I live in Finland, where there are no Islamic clothing stores/boutiques, and finding nice scarfs or modest clothes is a task so difficult you wouldn’t believe, so links to nice Islamic fashion online shops are really welcome.

    This blog of yours is full of inspiration for me, so baaraka Allah feeky for your efforts. They are truly much appreciated! (:

    Wal salaam,

  5. Walaikum salaam Heba,

    I’m glad that I could be of assistance to you. Check out some of the other links on my blog too. Muslimahs are doing it big!

  6. Mashallh!

    I love this blog what a great idea! I think that if my husb knew about this blog he would just print out pics of outfits and be like here pick this ..now lets leave the mall lol At least its become the fashion now to wear longer shirts ect …I confess I still have an abaya addiction but living in a hot tropical climate its necessary to have ‘alternatives that look cute’…

    Thanks alot!

    AL Laylat Couture,
    Dare To be Different -TM-

    Visit my blog on myspace.com “Fashion for the Muslimah’

  7. Hello,

    I’ve also “stumbled” across your blog and I must say you do have excellent taste in clothing. I’ve enjoyed your pictures and will scope out the other sights when I’m done here. I’m also a very conservative dresser, who is sometimes mistaken for a Muslim or an Orthodox Jew (of which I’m neither – I’m Christian).

    I often frequent Muslimah sights (Shukr is my favorite – love their clothes) in looking for clothing ideas, since I too have a certain fashion sense that I don’t ever find in conservative Christian circles. The choices are generally out of date 80’s dresses (you know the kind with the big shoulder pads) or “Little House on the Prarie” type Amish dresses. I love history, but I don’t necessiarily want to go to the local grocery store looking like a reinactor.

    So in staying with the modern century, I like color, cheerful prints, clothing that fits well, is comfortable and “age appropiate” – yet eliminates the “frump factor” that’s often seen in “conservative” styles.

    I also wear a head scarf; (that totally covers my hair) so I’m always looking for different and creative ways to tie my scarves.

    I read though some of your postings and I’d have to agree with you on the “bling” factor. Some flashyness might be ok for teenagers – but modest clothing should be just that – it shouldn’t scream “Look at me – here I am!!!”. Yet at the same time – modest can be stylish too – or rather stylish sould be modest! Style shouldn’t be defined by “Look at what I’m not wearing!!!”

    Either way – I’ve enjoyed your blog and your pics and will come back to check out your latest ideas. Maybe I’ll even submit a couple pictures myself.

    Peace to you – fellow travelers of humaity!

  8. Assalamu’alaikum,
    Alhamdulillah it’s such a nice blog for muslimah! I just wanna know if I can submit pictures of myself, including the one when I wear batik dress (a kind of traditional pattern from my country Indonesia), cardigans… It would be wonderful if we can share our taste in fashion!

  9. salaam ..i love islam and i love fashion…cant live without them. And ur blog is the perfect answer.

    i would love to go shopping with you!! 🙂

  10. Assalam Aleikom,

    I just wanted to tell you that I love your blog. Thank you for providing other sister’s with ideas and keeping us encouraged to stay beautiful not only on the inside but also on the outside:) When you live in the west you have to think extra, especially since we go through dso many different seasons and have to dress differently in our environment overall.

    Keep up the good work!

  11. salam sister, how are you ?
    how can we contact you directly sweety ?

    please answer me.

    and yea .. really you have a good taste. nice blog. makes me smile 🙂

    waiting 4 u . i have a lot to tell you.


  12. Salam
    I just found this blog and I realised we like the same things in terms of hijab styles. Just wondering if you mind if I add you into my blogroll? Please reply at my blog shoutbox if its possible to add you. Thank you.

  13. assalamualaikum….hi feel interested to wear hijab as i simply wear a long sleeves and pants ,am a convert.keep it up

  14. as salamu alaikum sister i am new to your site ive read many of your blogs i love what you post , you and many other muslimahs who blog have inspired me to start a blog of my own please visit me at zainab1.blogspot.com and tell me what you think any tips or comments that you may have would be great i just started so i dont have much but insha allah there is more to come.May allah continue to bless you in all that you do Ameen. shukrn As salamu alaikum

  15. Assalamu Alaykum sister,
    I am in high school, and started wearing hijab in seventh grade.I have been trying hard to find Islamically appropriate, modest, as well as fashionable clothing and your blog has been very inspiring as well as helpful (links).
    Mahsa’Allah I admire you for your work and dedication. I visited your other blog (Modest and Beautiful)and was wondering how you keep up.
    Alhamdulilah may Allah bless all that you do,and and keep you on the straight path. Ameen. Wassalamu Alaykum Wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu.

  16. Assalamu Alaykum sister,
    I am in high school, and started wearing hijab in seventh grade.I have been trying hard to find Islamically appropriate, modest, as well as beautiful/ creative clothing and your blog has been very inspiring as well as helpful (links).
    Mahsa’Allah I admire you for your work and dedication. I visited your other blog (Modest and Beautiful)and was wondering how you keep up.
    Alhamdulilah may Allah bless all that you do,and and keep you on the straight path. Ameen. Wassalamu Alaykum Wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu.

  17. Girl, I have to say there are three women in our household that follow this particular blog! It’s absolutely fab! Keep up the great job that you do, I know there are many American born Muslimat that would love to see this spot and feel they can be themselves and not just Arab in dress.

    All the continued best there is for you!
    From Inal, Caii, And Keiko

  18. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

    Hi sister of Islam~!
    I am another girl(from Malaysia) that happened to came across your blog while browsing for Muslimah fashion and what a joy to found your blog~! It is so inspiring and what a great articles u have in here..just dropping a message to u to say ‘salam ukhwah’ and i have added ur blog link in my website..keep up the good work, sis!

    Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

    -Masyitah, Malaysia-

  19. Assalamualaikum what a beautiful site sister! I haven’t covered for Allah in over 10years. Reading blogs such as yourself give me hope that I will have the strength to do this!

    Your site is wonderful. Please keep it up!

    • Salaam. I would say it’s not about strength wearing or not wearing the hijab, but preference. I cover not all the time, but salaat… I do make sure that I cover. Pray about it. See in what way, Allah guides you to wearing or not wearing the hijab.

      Salaam my sistah.

  20. asalamu alaikom sister…
    god led me to your site….and i loved it:)
    mashallah you’re so stylish…love your style….really inspirational….you rock!

  21. Hello again!

    I’ve come back to check out your most recent style postings! They all look great. I’ve really enjoyed your blog.
    Thus being so inspired – (by so many things) I’ve started a blog of my own. Your welcome to come by and visit!
    Thanks for your great ideas!

  22. As salaamu alaikum warahamtulallah

    I am in the process of building my website to sell my unique hijaab pins (please make dua for me sisters). I love this site, it is wonderful, and I would like to know if it is okay for me to add you as a link on my site insha’allah? I also would like to know how you get the images put together, as I would like to do something like that with my pins, along with fashion options too. Can you tell me how/what software I need insha’allah!

    Jazakumallahu khayr,
    http://www.waahidah.com (under construction)

  23. i am a borm mulimah. but i must be honest in saying ive taken off my hijab n kemar letting shatan get into my nafs. but ive beenon my quest . i love allah. and sister samah i have to say i am a natural fashionista but i was trold if i wore this with my hijab it was haram or that . like i said i love allah im a fashonista . but i love allah more . u teach me its ok to incorporate .anyway not to get off topic -do u know any good hadith books that can help me with the deen

  24. As Salaam Alaikum sister,
    I really enjoy visiting your blog, it’s so inspiring, mashaAllah.
    Do think you can do a set for the plus size Muslimah, insha’Allah.
    It would so exciting if you could…. Thanks for all your lovely work, alhamdulillah!

  25. Salamu Aleikum,
    Let’s start by presenting myself. My name is Abdel Karim Bouras and I am the marketing manager of an Islamic online shop locate in Saudi Arabia called http://www.desertStore.com.
    I would like to suggest you to become one of our affiliates. You have a very interesting websites, and I think that your visitors would be interested by our products.
    Becoming an affiliate of Desertstore.com is an easy way for you to make money through your website. You just have to display one of our banner or display a link to our website and we take care of the rest. We give you 5% on every product we sell, plus additional $2 for any orders after exceeding 100 orders.
    DesertStore.com is one of the largest and most trusted Arabian product retailers. We are selling Arabic and Islamic products such as clothing, decorations, and books. By choosing Desertstore.com you assure that your visitors will get high quality products and services.
    Please let me know if you want to discuss about it.
    Jasakum Allah Khair.

    Abdel Karim
    Abdel Karim Bouras
    Marketing Manager – DesertStore.com
    Phone: +966 22274303 Ext (101)
    Cell Phone: +966 533431910
    Email: ak@desertStore.com

  26. let me just say thank you soo much for this amazing blog 🙂
    i am a new muslim, and i live in the north of sweden and there is almost no muslims here. soo i was soo happy to find your blog soo i could get some insperation on what to wear.

    thank you soo much:)

    • jonnha, Thank you so much for your comments. May Allah make it easy for you as a new Muslim and as one of a few. That takes such taqwa and iman to thrive in such an environment. I’m happy to inspire you. Mashallah.

  27. Assalaamu alaykum sister. I have only just stumbled upon your blog today and I am loving it! I love fashion and read fashion magazines regularly & I have to say that your outfits are as good, if not better, than most of those featured in the spreads of these internationally reknowned magazines. You have a real flair for putting very chic outfits, colours & accessories together and that you incorporate islamic principle of modesty is just fab! I am not at all surprised that your colleague made that comment about wanting to convert on your clothes alone because I am rather inspired myself (as someone who doesn’t wear the hijab yet) that you can still look fabulous in dressing modestly and wearing the hijab. I work in a very corporate environment and have to dress very smartly everyday so I really love your “career” ensembles & ideas. Thank you so much for sharing them. May Allah bless you and reward you for inspiring other sisters in Islam. xo

    • Walaikum salaam, mashallah Sarah. Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being fashionable and modest at the same time. I’ve been inspired by other bloggers and everyday Muslimahs I see who are well put together but adhering the standards of hijab. I’m happy I can be an inspiration to others. 🙂

  28. err, i just want to ask something. where are you from?
    i am really astonished to see everything that you have put up here.

  29. I would like to open an fashionable islamic shop for the younger muslim women in Cape Town, South Africa. Were can i buy these clothes from? Who can i contact regarding shipping these beautiful garments you advertise on your blog.

  30. I rad your blog and think its very informative. My website ModernPrincess.net has just launched. Its clothing and fashion from all over the world for muslim woman. I love to hear what people think and would like to be added onto blog.Thx

  31. Hi Salamu Aleikum,

    I just spent some time on your blog, and absolutely adore it! Very nice. I currently manager Online PR for http://www.artizara.com/ (who are HUGE fans of your site!), and wanted to reach out to you on their behalf. They have expressed great interest in perhaps doing a guest blog post on your site, etc. Please let me know if this is something you might be interested in, and we can talk more about it. My contact information is below.

    Looking forward to your response!


    P.s.- No nee to post this if you do not wish to. Simply wanted to reach out to you 🙂

    Maria Sass
    Online PR Manager
    Wpromote, Inc.
    D| 310.341.4851
    E| maria@wpromote.com

  32. Assalamu’alaikum,

    I’m a teacher at an Islamic School in NJ. I don’t know where you are located but I’m trying to network among Muslims about our Islamic School. It is in great need of motivating our students to high professional standards. I thought a great way to motivate students to get involved in school and create a bonding experience is by having a Sister’s Only Fashion Show. I’m hoping this will be a project that will help network and connect many people, businesses, and help raise funds for our school. I was wondering if you would be willing to share ideas, thoughts, and even if you live in the tri-state area maybe even help! I’d like it to be a big event that allows Muslim shop owners to sell products and have our students and community members model them. Please let me know what you think.

  33. Anyone use Essence of black website essenceofblack.com? I ordered from them and they sent me half my order. I contacted them and they said that they will send the rest out. I waited a month and contacted them again and they said the same thing. Well, 2 weeks later I contact them again and they ignored me, I contacted them at least 5 more times and decided to contact them under a different user name, well they answered and I told them who I was and they ignored me, they are dishonest snakes and do not deserve business.

    It’s sad how that they give off a bad impression for our community. I have purchased from many islamic sites in the past and never had a bad experience till Essence of black. Do not use them, they’re scum. I am disappointed more than anything and hope that no one else has to go through this.

  34. Hi, I’m a college student in the USA and am writing a paper about modesty dress in Islamic countries. I really like what you have posted here. Would it be ok for me to email you and ask you a few questions? I couldnt find an email address listed here for you, but if you are interested in helping me out I would really love to talk to you. My email address is burger7295 @ philau . edu (without spaces). Thank you so much!

  35. i’ll introduce myself.. im indonesian, and im muslimah.. 🙂 after blogwalking here, poor of me that i never thought about what i am wearing, and i call it as jilbab. outside my countries, Oh My God, there’r a lot of muslimah with hijabs.. i almost forget it, i am not alone.. best regard, and keep our ukhuwah al-Islamiyah… Salam, yusako..

  36. salam.
    Ive been thinking about hijab ALOT recently, and since you said you started wearing hijab 7 years ago, im guessing you didnt wear hijab as a teenager. so, i would really like to talk to u more about this and the process you went through when you decided to wear hijab, if that is ok. i would really be glad to hear from you. email me at: ssjavadpour@gmail.com

  37. As-Salaam Alaikum,

    AlhumduAllah, it looks like you are in high demand in terms of people interested in talking to you. Subhanallah, I am writing you for the same reason. TAQWA IMAN is doing a feature on modest bloggers. The purpose of this feature is to introduce our readers to the different modest blogs that exist and to help them feel that they really belong to a larger community of women who chose to dress as they do. We would like to interview you for this feature. As to not take up too much of your time, we would simply send you a few questions via email. If interested, please let us know, inshAllah.

  38. Salam sister. I love you and your blog. I always struggled on what to wear sometimes, and sometimes my jeans are tight, then the tops are tight, then I don’t know how mix and match them but mashaAllah Alhamdulillah I found this blog. 🙂 Keep up, lol. Salaaam…

  39. As-Salaam Alaikum,

    Jaza Kallah Khair, for agreeing to do the electronic interview. We have emailed you the questions. If you have not received the email, please let us know.

    Thus far, the responses we have received from the other modest bloggers interviewed has been wonderful. We truly look forward to reading yours!

    Thank you again!

  40. Dear sister,

    may Allah reward you for your effort in producing this useful blog. What I like is also the good effort to list all the Islamic clothing shop.

    I do wear the scarf since I was 14 years old, and I always wanted to look well in my hijab. Allah is beautiful and loves beuty.

    Furthermore, I’ve been working as a professional in a law firm for a couple of years. It was always hard to find the right clothes and hijabs to look smart, but I’ve always tried the effort.

    I now have two children and put my law carrier on a standby. Meanwhile, I thought to help my other sisters in finding nice hijabs that they can wear to look stunning yet modest.

    I created my own line of scarves. I do produce them in Italy, where my manufacturer uses traditional Italian tecniques to produce the most beautiful and elegant scarves you can find in the market. Unique designs, with excellent fabrics which are light to wear and they do not crease.

    You can view my first collection on http://www.bellissima-scarves.co.uk

    “Bellissima” is the Italian word for “most beautiful” 😉

    Enjoy the experience!!
    Wassalam 🙂

  41. assalamua’laikum..
    sis.. i really admire your style.. well, i’m from malaysia and i do wear hijab.. i really try to make my style look more islamic.. your blog inspired me a lot to change my dressing style.. hope you can updated your blog frequently and inspired all muslim girl out there..

  42. Salaam Sis,

    I’ve been a HUGE fan of your blog. Could you please include our online shop in your shopping links? We are based in Indonesia and we feature cute, colorful, and inexpensive clothings & hijabs which I’m sure many of your readers will like :). Thanks sooo much in advance 😉


  43. We are one of the major manufacturer of Islamic Cloth from India namely Salwar Kameez. We are running and e-commerce website for the same. We would like to add our site in your Blogroll so that people of indian origins became aware more about salwar kameez. You can visit our salwar kameez collection page. the link is http://www.sareez.com/Salwar-collection/ . Hope you will consider my request.

  44. Salaam to you and what a great resource your blog is. I am a muslim jewelry designer and would love to be included in your blog roll. All of my jewelry is hand made in NYC, drawing inspiration from middle eastern and islamic themes in a modern and clean style. Please take a look at my site and let me know what you think.

  45. As-salaam Alaikum I was wondering how can I get a free Ke-mar? See my parents don’t approve of me becoming a Muslim and I don’t have any money to buy one I’m the only person in my family that is Muslim and they always put me down.

  46. i’ve found your fashion blog when i was searchin for an idea how to make over my self after deciding to take hijab as a full responsibilities of mine 🙂
    im a student so i want to look and feel young with this new look. your blog and all your styling adeas was so so amazing! i’ve never thought bein muslimah is so pretty until i was here a few minutes ago 🙂

    im happy for what you are doin now. and i have to thanks you for all your effort to make us muslimah feel and looks better ahead

  47. Assalamu Alaikum Sister,
    I’ve been following your blog for a while now, and I’m so glad that you are posting frequently again. I sometimes find that I am wearing/have worn something very similar to what you post. I also get some really good ideas from you, thanks!

  48. hi,

    i just found this site and was amazed and happy to see funky styles for the muslim lady.
    im a fashion designer/dressmaker (in training) i have been sewing for myself for the past 15 years as i could never find anything amazing to wear when going out.
    great blog..
    regards tuba


  50. Hi there,
    Just wanted to say how much I love your blog and your fashions. I am not a muslim, but I tend to dress modestly, and love the fact there are so many fashionable combinations and bright colours! Thankyou so much x

  51. Assalamu alaikum,

    We have been a retailer of Islamic fashion for over 5 years, and have recently discovered your treasure of a blog! We think it’s great and find ourselves regularly coming back to it, time and time again.

    We would love to offer all your visitors a 20% discount off purchases on our website http://www.saifmodesty.com

    Furthermore, we’d love fo ryou to review our products and give us constructive feedback so we can improve our offered items.

    Saif Modesty

  52. Assalamu alaikum,

    We have been a retailer of Islamic fashion for over 5 years, and have recently discovered your treasure of a blog! We think it’s great and find ourselves regularly coming back to it, time and time again.

    We would love to offer all your visitors a 20% discount off purchases on our website http://www.saifmodesty.com

    Just enter the code CRB20 at checkout to take part in this offer.

    Furthermore, we’d love for you to review our products and give us constructive feedback so we can improve our offered items.

    Saif Modesty

  53. Pingback: Hijabistas: A Lesson in Cultural Activism | Mere Orthodoxy

  54. Hi Samah!!

    We found your blog searching for fashion blogs in the Middle East. It’s really cool to find blogs like yours that focus on cultural fashion in the Middle East.

    Basis what we saw on your blog, we thought that you might find http://www.3abaya.com interesting. The owner of the website – Hind Baker – saw potential for 3abaya.com when she realized many women from different backgrounds are looking for the same kind of fashion but they just don’t have time to go out and shop for it! So basically, it’s a unique and secure website that allows you to shop for abayas and other traditional garments from the comfort of your home. 3Abaya.com currently has a group of 5 designers from the region on board that can custom design exclusive and modest yet chic abayas and jalabiyas — exactly the way you’d like them. More designers will be on board soon.

    In the near future, the website plans to evolve into one offering a larger varity of fashion and even accessories for a young woman.

    Anyway, that’s just a bit of information. Should this interest you in anyway, let us know and we can get across to you more information if you want. Further more, if you would like to write about the site on your blog, that would be great too — we have a good range of images we can provide you with if you want too.

    That’s all really.

    Have a good day and we look forward to hearing from you.

    Thanks and regards
    On behalf of 3Aabaya.com team

  55. Assalamualaikum sis..
    I absolutely LOVE your sense of style and taste in fashion. I wear the hijab too. Your blog is truly an inspiration. Love your ideas. Keep it coming!

  56. Salam alik khti,
    I really like your blog, the hijab-styles are so beautiful even though I don’t wear hijab (but I want to in future inshallah). I WANT MORE OF THIS 😀

  57. Assalam aleikum. thank you so much for your blog.i came across it when i was searching for hijabis and to my surprise there you were. it is two months and every time i surf my first stop is jamericanmuslimah. i always want to know all the up dates on the fashion. thank you for the inspiration its Allahs given.

  58. My name is Julie and I work for Polyvore and I stumbled on your blog and I was excited to find out that you are an avid user of Polyvore!
    I’ve been following your blog, and I would love to talk to you more in depth on the phone about your blog, movement and your use of Polyvore for your movement if you have some time to spare.
    Please email me and let me know what you think and we can set up a time for us to talk if you wish!
    Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon!


  59. Hi!

    I love your blog and I’m getting a lot of inspiration on how to put outfits together. I’ve visited other fashion blogs but you’re one of the few that has a real knack for combining colours, fabrics and accessories. I’m not religious but I still think modesty has its place. 🙂 Keep it up!


  60. Asalamu alaikum!
    Sister, you are rockin, no doubt. You and I are, most def, fashion sisters. Inshallah the intent of this comment is to find out how to subscribe to your blog. Let me know as soon as you can.
    Thanx a bunches! Or perhaps I already did at the end of this message??

  61. Salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu Sister!

    Keep up the great work, Sister! I’ve been Muslim over 20 years now & I’ve heard all the arguments & “traditions” used to justify why people assume one thing or another regarding their Muslim dress styles they embrace. Know this… as a scholar of Textiles who has studied for more than 15 years the topic of FASHION in Islamic law & in Muslim history around the world… FEW of the “traditions” are actually based on Islam. Most are based on assumptions by generations that followed previous generations — unquestioning their fathers’ fathers’ traditions. The issue of BLACK for example if completely bogus. BLACK didn’t exist as a dye color during the time of the Prophet! It was several caliphates later when the issue even came up historically & was initially rejected by the women of the Ummah because it was such a bold color! Now some claim its “required” because of a quote about “women looking like crows”. However Crows of that region of the world aren’t black! So it shows just how confusion has reigned. Other hadith can be cited where the Prophet encouraged men to wear scents & women to wear color!

    So continue your dawah to the people! You are doing a great job! And let those who might post negative claims, wash away from you like water off a duck’s back!

    May Allah reward you for your intentions & work!

  62. Pingback: Young Muslims add glam to their hijabs

  63. Salaams,

    This is a great blog! Very well done!

    I recently launched my own online hijab store, sixteenR.com, where I sell scarves and hijabs that I design. I use non-traditional fabrics and photographs silk screened on hijabs to create my collection. SixteenR was incepted in the philosophy that the scarf can be a tool of empowerment.

    I would really appreciate it if you would include “www.sixteenr.com” under your “Islamic Clothing Sites” link if its not too much trouble. 🙂

    Nancy, Founder of 16R

  64. assalam alaikum,
    i’m so thrilled to have come across ur site. i’m of the opinion that a muslim woman should look very good and trendy even though she is wearing an hijab. please can i have more styles for strictly work, i’m starting work in a law firm.

  65. Salam ukhwah. Your blog has inspired me too wear hijab the best way- looking stunning and beautiful yet not forgetting to cover aurat. Thanks for this great blog. Love it. (^.^)

  66. Hello! I am a reporter from Canada and writing a piece on muslim fashion blog. Would it be possible to get in touch with you? If yes can you email me? Thanks so much

  67. As Salaamu Alaikum Sister!

    I love your passionate flare for modest fashion! Your blog truly encourages Muslimah’s to dress modest and appropriate without missing out on all the fashion fun!

    I admire this site not only because it encourages stylish modest wear, but also femininity- My blog is all about femininity, Islamic womanhood, hence the name “The Ideal Woman” 😉 It’s been a SLOW working progress since I’m horrible with keeping it updated but insha’Allah learning, and will try to work on it! 😀

    Keep at what your doing and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

    BTW, found your website because I was googling stylish Islamic fashion pic’s with red boots lol, I just bought some and want idea’s on how to deck them out =-)

    Hope to see you around soon insha’Allah!

    Your Sister,

    Mayada M.

  68. Salaams Sister, Great website and fantastic information, I work for an award winning Islamic swimwear company in England call Modestly Active, we have just been awarded ‘Best Islamic Swimwear Product 2010’ and I wanted to share this with you and fellow sisters.
    We provide worldwide express delivery and offer some of the best appealing swimwear in the market place.
    hope you like our site please send us any feedback you think would help us or we could do better.

  69. Assalamuallaikum wr.wb

    hallo my name is Marylies, i’m 21 years old and i’m from Indonesia. i like your blog, so I hope we can share information about the fashion for Muslimah. thank u

  70. alsalam alykom sisters & brothers

    i recently opend store in mn for islamic clothing men & women and kids , alhmed llah so far i have good respond from sisters about the abyas that i sell most are gone by the first 3 weeks , insha allah soon i will make a web site , and i will leave my opersonal phone # so sister could reach me any time to make order , i love to see sister looking great and proud of our hejabs , most of my product is from dubai
    and soon i will be dealing with islamic factory that give me the option to chose the style of the abyas and shilas scarfs , iam sorry that some of you had bad experiance with other web site
    and i hope you give my new store the chance my idea is good product and best customer service and great net work of sisters
    who would love to give back to muslim community like kids summer camp or helping each other any way we can
    so my # is 612-518-5514 and my store name is Nora islamic clothing
    the address is 4220 central ave clumbia hights mn 55421

    my salam to all of you the store web site will be Nora on line .com insha allah
    the sister who own this blog u doing great jobs masha allah
    keep it up

      • jazaki allah khiran sis for posting my comment , the store hours is monday – friday 4pm -8pm / sat / sunday 12 -7 pm
        as of this point iam the only one working but insha allah after we get all the product me need i will hire asister part time

        insha allah feel free to call any time
        and keep this blog going some how its fun and great way to net work
        with all the muslim sisters in many countrys
        thank you very much

  71. Salam sister
    Thank you for your lovely blog. You are doing a great job!. I have been a muslim for the last 12 years and I have gone quite conservative in the way I dress. This has made me unhappy because I have lost interest in dressing trendy. Your have given me a lot of ideas on how to dress nice and at the same time modest. We muslims have to show a good image of Islam and I think by putting into practice your ideas on how to dress we can contribute to it somehow. Keep it up!

  72. Salaams sis, I love this web site Masha Allah. Before I even converted to Islam I was checking you out for your fashion ideas help me with things that I like to wear while being Modest. I too wear overgarments I go to school full times i dont want to wear my good overgarments to school everyday ,I don’t veil my face either. But this site has really help me and also It help my 11 year old dress modest while still being a kid. Keep up the good work Masha Allah to you Sis I to believe that black is not wht I have to be in everyday to be a good Muslimah.

  73. Assalaam alikum. This is a wonderful blog 🙂 I have been wearing Abaya for some time now but i miss how i used to dress before and so does my husband, though he does see that at home lol. Also my family have found me covered up quite hard to accept, especially since i have been wearing the abaya. But your blog has given me a lot of ideas on how to dress nice and at the same time modest, so Insha’allah this will be nice for my family to see that im still me just with a headscarf to go with my clothes 🙂 Keep up the good work sister, Mash’allah 🙂

  74. Hello!
    I just wanted to say that even though I’m not Muslim the clothes you post are very fashionable and I find what you’re doing on this blog great!
    Keep it up!

  75. Salam.

    hi, yr blog is really inspiring. found yr blog through google search engine, i was exactly looking for new fashion style for muslimah. and found yr’s and it chnge my whole perspective of muslimah fashions. u r d fashionista. Love it. thanks!!!!

  76. Assalamu aalikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

    Masha Allah sister, your site was everything I was looking for.
    I’m tired of people asking me if I’m pregnant (not that would be a bad thing!) as the way I “islamically” dress usually makes me look fatter.

    Congratulations and please keep it up!

  77. Layla. h is a new online fashion boutique. This boutique offers a range of designs, infused with western and eastern elements for the young muslim fashionista. More importantly modest and comtemporary.

  78. Assalamualaikum,

    I am Azlyn from Malaysia. Appreciate of u can show appropriate attires when playing bowling. Usually I am on jeans and shirts. I would like to wear slacks but i am not good at mix and match it. Need ur help. Thanks.

    • Walaikum salaam Azlyn. I think many of my casual Friday sets would be sufficent. However, I will create a casual set for you tomorrow, insha’allah.

  79. Asalamualaikum sister,

    how are you? I just found your blog and i am completely amazed. excited, and just happy..lol. forgive me…its just i have been looking for places to fins ideas on how to buy modest yet fashionable clothes but i couldnt find any until i saw yours.. mashaAllah…i hope you are well.

  80. assalamualaikum 🙂
    my dear u blog very make me feel very happy lah 🙂
    nice lah adorable. 🙂 those cloth nice 🙂 coz i just wearing hijabs..
    fyi i also used to sell wholesale shawl hijabs inner n much more 🙂

    but seriously i really loveeeeee ur stuff 🙂

  81. As Salaamu alaikum sis. I just had to tell you that i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your style …. i will be staying up on your latest and greatest …. InshaAllah keep it up…. also are you on Facebook ??? i just found your site maybe i over looked the link??

    Looking forward to your summer picks!!!

  82. Assalammualaikum dear,

    Masya-Allah I really love all your creative ideas! I took some of your ideas to be share to my friends & customers on my site (Hope u don’t mind). May Allah SWT bless u with Rahmath & all the best in all u do. Please feel free to drop by to my site!

  83. Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,

    hi there. i’m Along. i found your blog on last year when i was searching for an appropriate dress for my company dinner. since then, i always follow your blog. i like it very well. all the mix n match are very simple but nice! i hope you don’t mind i put your link at my blog so that my frens can share this good thing together!

    thank you.

  84. Assalamualaikum Dear,

    I am a big fan of your inspiring website!
    Its been a month since i am wearing hijab and i was inspired by your website. I hope Allah gives you mercy and bless you all the time. It would be happy to know your email/facebook so we can keep in touch. You’re such an inspiring muslimah.

    Cindy Nur Fitri

  85. Salam Alekum,

    I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog! I am a young woman who does not practice any religion and does not dress to any particular dress code, but I have a great interest in clothing.

    Why I enjoy your site so much is that I am very keen to learn about outfits which expose as little skin as possible but still look amazing. I sometimes feel that many people think less is more when it is not! I love how creative and beautiful your clothing combinations are whilst not exposing anything other than the face. You are truly talented!

    Best regards,


  86. Assalamu walakum sis, love your style. I am thinking to start my own clothing line insha allah because where I reside there are no stores for muslimah Fashion. Do you have any tips or advice for me?

  87. Assalamuallaikum..

    Subhanallah..You are such an inspiring muslimah..
    I love you’re Blog..
    May Allaah always take care of you.. 🙂

  88. Fashion Queen,

    I came across your blog long time ago, before I thought of any Islamic fashion. Like Any Muslim woman in Canada, raising a baby girl, we have to take extra efforts to look beautifully modest, and modestly beautiful. I admire your love for beauty and Islam together.

    I decided to be more proactive and launch http://www.pinkrevolution.ca to bring the beautiful Capsters Hijabs, designed by Cindy Van Der Bremen, to my Canadian sisters. My husband is helping me achieve this small project.

    I would like to kindly ask you to view my website and if at all possible to notify people in your network in Canada that the Capsters Hijabs are now available in Canada.

    If you like our Hijabs, I will be more than happy to put any testimony from you there!

    Thanks sister and Jazaki Allahu Khairan.


  89. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I love what you put together! I love clothes and aspire to do some work in fashion coordinating/styling for women, and your blog inspires me so much! You definitely have an eye for fashion, mashallah! Keep it up and best of luck, inshallah 🙂

  90. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy looking at your blog. I am not a Muslim, but a Christian and I dress modestly as well. I am not required to cover my hair at all times as you do, but at prayer we do cover and have proper prayer clothing as well. Since I am not very savvy at putting items together your blog gives me quite the inspiration! Thanks to your blog I have even purchased afew items frm Islamic clothing sites that work for my prayer times and general wear. I check your blog several times a week to see what you have put up new for that week. I’m still working my way through your arches also. Keep up the good work!

  91. Salaam

    Hope this reaches you in good health inshallah.

    We are a UK based clothing brand, Vela Clothing. We would love to have a banner on your blog and also run giveaways from every so often and would like to extend these to your readers also.

    I look forward to your reply inshallah.

    Many Thanks & Regards

    Vela Clothing

  92. MashaAllah, was surfing and found your blog – and it’s a lovely surprise! Well done, you’re assisting so many people look good in a modest Islamic way, Alhamdulilah.
    May you receive blessings for inspiring people that Muslim modest dressing and hijab does not have to be boring and plain..

    Jazak Allah Khair sister

  93. I LOVE UR SENSE OF STYLE! its like u went to some huge fashion school:)
    ok so im a teen and i figured the outfits u put together wont work for me and i was wondering wat will?
    and i bought this black maxi skirt and i have no clue wat to wear with it:(
    well i hope u still check ur blog/
    ❤ amina

  94. I really appreciate what you put together each time. In these un-modest times it’s nice to see an alternative


  95. I love the styles you put together ..
    although ,,,as a bigger lady,,size 24, i am kinda hoping to see how you piece clothes that cater to this..i love fashionable clothing but its always a problem to find it in my size

  96. Salaam alaikum ~ I just found your blog! Mashallah, I love it. You have given me such amazing ideas. Love your sense of fashion!

  97. Salaams sistah, Happy Ramadan Masha’Allah beautiful site love it thanks for the add I truely appreciate it I will be vivting your blog alot fashions are nice. I am glad to share the same love for fashion and islam with a fellow Muslimah.xoxo

  98. I very much like your site. The styles are creatively attractive in their presentation of modest wear.

    My entrance onto your site was accomplished thru a Google search in which I was looking for sites to which to link my online boutique, AnNisa Designs.

    My request is that you access my fashion sites.


    If you like it’s look and fashion, my request is that I could possibly be added to your “Islamic Clothing Sites” tab as a retailer of muslim women’s fashion.

    Thank you in advance for reading my request and for possibly looking at my sites.

    Much regard,
    Margaret Rabia Hasan
    AnNisa Designs

  99. Salaam sis love your blogs..mashallah they motivate so many of us..when will you update them inshallah…hope you had a wonderful eid! Salaam, Sis Nasira

  100. Asalam Alaikum, I just found your blog today, and I gotta say I am impressed by your fashion forward styles, classy, modest and really well put together…I currently reside in the Middle East so these styles are just what I am looking for…thanks and keep up the good work, I look forward to your coming ensembles…and congratulations on your pregnancy may Allah bless you and your family always…

  101. Omg your blog is SOOOOO cute mashallah! Srsly it just makes my day 😀 me and you have slightly different styles for our islamic fashion but cover up wise i think out standards are close c: i was gonna request more soft/sweet outfits if you don’t mind c: idk just for your enjoyment ^^keep up the good work c:

  102. Assalamualaikum..While searching for Islamic dresses I came across this blog.and loving it :)..I am living in Canada and doing masters leading to PHD..The purpose of giving this detail is my attire. While attending conferences, going to office and this formal social meetings what should i wear..I believe in wearing head scarf and a dress which doesn’t reveal body curves.But i want to look fashionable and Islamic girl. Can you please suggest me some formal wear?

  103. salaam . im a muslim teen and i was wondering if you had suggestions for teens that would cover but also be stylish for a younger girl

  104. alam Sister

    I have just come across your blog and wanted to inform you of a monthly makeover/photography experience that myself and another female photographer have put together.

    It is for females only in an all female environment, from the studio we take the photos in to the post production of the images…there are no males involved or any males that can view the images. As well as getting your make up done you also have the option of a hijab stylist or a hair stylist for anyone that wants to take the hijab off.


    We are also available for other events such as weddings (segregated and non segregated) with a team of muslim female and male photographers and videographers.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on info@saiphotography.com

    Look forward to hearing from you.


  105. Assalamualaikum sister. My name is Rochelle and I actually was directed to your site by Ilovehishma’s site, which I was directed to by StylishMuslimah. Alhumduallah all of you sister have given me the extra strength to wear hijab. I’ve worn my hair covered for almost six years now but never covered all but face and hands. Thank you. One small question, I also saw another sister’s site that I really loved her style but can not get back to her page. She looks to be a sister of African decent but she had a UK accent, at first I thought she maybe an islander but not sure. If you have any ideas to whom I’m referring to please let me know. Her style is so me!! Salam and thanks again.

  106. Hi there. I just found your blog. I identify a lot with you . I constantly struggle with the ” to wear hijab or not to wear hijab” dillema . I’m glad you’ve made up your mind on that. Since I study arts , colours mean a lot to me, I would love to dress and stand out from the rest. I feel really bad when I see a muslima dressed poorly or in some rare cases smells like last weeks home cooking or BO.( sounds horrid but I have come across such ladies) I find your blog really inspiring and I wish I had the same patience and joy in finding and putting together cute outfits. You got style sister! However, I sometimes feel guilty if I feel certain parts of my body are accentuated in a top or a skirt or pants. How do you go about solving this? I’d like to know your opinion. Thank you in advance and all the best.

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